Maintaining and improving vital services in the long-term
Building on success

About HonorHealth and Palantir

“The people we’ve worked with at Palantir have built an immense level of trust.”
“The people we’ve worked with at Palantir have built an immense level of trust.”
Jonathan Smith, Digital Marketing Manager at HonorHealth
Increased flexibility and productivity
“Palantir are accommodating, and they’re definitely flexible. They understand that we have budget restraints, so they’ll try to work within the overall budget we’ve given. They help us think through those situations to get the best result, telling us what is and is not possible.”
Jonathan Smith, Digital Marketing Manager at HonorHealth
A true consulting partnership
We’re a collaborative effort. As far as the technology goes for our website, Palantir is extraordinarily helpful. For example, every time our hosting comes up for renewal, we ask if we should stick with our provider. And they’ll tell us whether to stick or change based on all the other ones they used.
Jonathan Smith, Digital Marketing Manager at HonorHealth
High-impact, innovative projects

Palantir is very good about checking in on what’s working for us. If we switch to a tool, they’ll ask us how it’s going after a few months. They’ve always done a good job at that. And they’re very receptive to criticism about any problems we’re having.
Palantir is very good about checking in on what’s working for us. If we switch to a tool, they’ll ask us how it’s going after a few months. They’ve always done a good job at that. And they’re very receptive to criticism about any problems we’re having.
Jonathan Smith, Digital Marketing Manager at HonorHealth